~ This page Will be upgraded in the future when I got time to draw them properly~
She appears in random people's dream at random time and at random places.  Sometimes people don't even notice her presence, partly because she have no interest in the dreamer, partly because she don't have any organs and therefore cannot speak.

She weighs 0.2kg because she is mostly made out of gas. She usually float around since she is not very limited by gravity.

Age: N/A
She is on a life long journey around the globe, carrying very little luggage and a few very expensive professional cameras. She enjoy visiting small, remote towns and spend a lot of time in the wild.

Although she might seem distant due to her poker face, if you try and strike up a conversation with her, you will realize she is a very talkative and caring person with a good sense of humor.

Height: 168
Age: 26
She is the only survivor in her family in a violent riot. Although she lost one of her arms, she managed to survive. She is adopted by a newly married bionic couple.

Now, she is owner of a repair store for bionic human (or hospital, by some controversial opinions) and robots of all kinds. The store also provide repair services for bionic pets (or medical treatments, by some controversial opinions) and electric appliances.

Height: 172
She is stuck in a remote but advanced small hospital for life due to an unknown disease.  Most of the day you will see her walking around the hospital garden with a few infusion bag connected to her arm, chatting with a bored nurse——there isn't a lot going on in this hospital, there seem to be no new patient at all.

She wasn't given any information on the disease she have, and she don't remember any of her families ever visiting her. She is used to the lonely and boring life in the hospital, but is optimistic about healing and visit the outside world one day.

Height: 165
A quiet and kindhearted high school student. She loves gardening: her school's rooftop garden is almost entirely planted by herself (with some help from a few teachers.) She is loved by the animals, stray cats will follow her around purring for affection; sparrows and pigeons feel comfortable eating flower seeds from her hands.

Her favorite flower is sakura.

Height: 155
Age: 17
She lives in a world where people believe no crime should be forgiven at all . She's serving life sentence for a loaf of bread she stole 5 years ago.

Her favorite time of the day is 10am, that's when all prisoners is forced to go outdoors and jog 5km. Her dream is to become a Menelaus blue morpho, the beautiful butterfly she read in an old encyclopedia.

Height: 166